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Regulation 16 Consultation

In June/July 2023 the Forum ran the Regulation 14 Local Consultation and held drop in events for residents in the Newnham Croft Social and Sports Club, which many Forum members attended. As part of that consultation, we wrote to 92 statutory consultees to solicit input, which included 9 Cambridge Colleges with land and property in South Newnham. The feedback from the local consultation was very positive, though two Colleges were critical of the Forum and the Plan. The positive support received from residents and other stakeholders enabled the Forum to continue to work with GCSP to refine the Plan and its Policies, reflect the feedback received, and prepare for Regulation 16.

The writing of the Neighbourhood Plan is complete, and the Plan has been accepted by Greater Cambridge Shared Planning (GCSP) to go forward to the Regulation 16 stage. GCSP will conduct a 6-week public consultation on the Plan starting 7 May. If the Plan successfully passes the consultation, it will be examined by an Independent Planning Examiner and then subject to a local referendum before being adopted. It will then be used when making decisions on planning applications. As part of the Regulation 16 Consultation, GCSP will write to the same 92 consultees and ask for their formal comments. GCSP want the consultation to be very visible as the South Newnham Neighbourhood Plan is the first Cambridge City Council Neighbourhood Plan, and they will be using social media and news channels to reach as wide an audience as possible across Cambridge. GCSP will be recording all feedback, which will be included in the submission to the Examiner.

For residents in South Newnham, posters will be displayed in the neighbourhood and a copy of the Plan will be available to view in Cambridge City Library, and by appointment (call 01223 457000) at the Cambridge City Council office at Mandela House, 4 Regent Street Cambridge CB2 1BY.

As residents will not be contacted directly by GCSP, you can view the Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents online:      


  b. Using the GCSP online consultation system:
  c. Comment by email to:
  d. Write to: Planning Policy Team, Mandela House, 4 Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1BY

Your feedback, and that of other residents, really matters at this important stage, so please encourage your friends and neighbours to comment.

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